Sex Education in Schools

The talk of sex education in schools is now ongoing in every PTA and school board room across the country.  The topic moved quickly to the front burner when President Obama discussed opening sex education topics to all grades K-12 in July of 2007 at a Planned Parenthood Conference.  So controversial, this option is being debated by parents, administration, and board members in nearly every meeting. I am a mother, and this impacts my child’s education, so I too, will attend meetings, discuss and debate this topic until we come up with the proper solution.

I wonder when it became the sole responsibility of our public educators to teach my child the ways of the world, the difference between right and wrong, and the best and easiest ways to safely break the rules.  I want to be involved in my child’s life, and in her growth and learning.  I want her to grow up with a respect for herself and for others.  I want her to grow up with a positive self image, a belief in things good, and the ability to stand up for what is right.  I want her to know her options when it comes to the choices she makes.  I want her to know how to protect herself even if she makes the choices that I would not like her to make-but when did that become the responsibility of my public educator? Will it even do any good?  The rate of STD’s in adults are also on the rise, and we know better, and we know our options we just don’t follow them.   No I don’t want them to have that conversation, instead I will sit with her, have conversations, discuss the consequences of sexual activity, and the options she has if she makes that choice.  I will be involved in her life and teach her that nobody has the right to look at her or touch her inappropriately-I don’t want her Kindergarten teacher to do that.  I know these conversations or uncomfortable and hard, but I am her mother.  I will fight to keep that right, the right to educate my child as I see fit, the right to ensure that she has the knowledge she needs to function appropriately, and the support she needs to make good decisions.  Not my public educator, I will have these hard and important conversations, Because I am a Mom.